Folder permissions

Easily view and manage folder permissions so that users can access ONLY the folders you want them to access.

Folder permissions

To see who can access a folder, enter or select the folder and click the Permissions blank icon in the Toolbar.


You will now see at a list of the users that have access to this folder (including sub-folders). You can change, add, or remove their folder permissions directly from this menu. Choose between:

  • blank  View only
  •  blank  View & Download
  • blank  Upload & more, or
  • blank Remove. 

To add and manage users click the MANAGE USERS button. This will take you to Admin > Users where many more user specific actions can be performed.

blank  View only = The user will be able to view this folder and its content. But will not be able to download or upload files.

blank  View & Download = Besides viewing this folder and its content, users can also download from this folder and subfolders.

blank  Upload & more = In addition to viewing and downloading this folder and its content, users can also upload to this folder and subfolders. This is the default folder permission for all new users.

blank Remove = The user will no longer have access to this folder.

TIP: If any of the folder permissions icons (blank  blank  blank) are greyed out, it is because the user has access through a parent folder. Hover the icon to see which folder the permission can be altered from.
Important: If no folders are listed in the Folder Permissions window, only Administrators will be able to access the folder.

Add & invite users


See how to add a user, give the user access to a folder, and send the user an invite.

More videos

Bulk add & invite users


How to add and invite multiple users to your account.

More videos

TIP: Folder permissions can also be managed from Admin > Users. See how.

NOTICE: Only Administrators and users with the admin permission to "Manage users", can view and manage folder permissions.